Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Truth About Being a Music Producer

Chris Jones
Mr. Jenkins
Honors English 11
10 April 2009
The Truth About Being a Music Producer
The article, “What is a Record Producer? Do You Really Want to Become One?,” on, explains what a record producer is. The author writes about the occupation and what it entails. It talks about the hassles and what is expected of oneself in this field. He gives numbing realities about the business and how many aspire to be a producer, however, many of whom do not know the actualities of the job, and among those that do, there is one in about every few hundred that ever make it into the biz, and even then the longevity of a career is very questionable.
The author begins by stating that he feels the problem for most people that aspire to be a producer is they have this desire due to misconceptions they may have that have been fueled by media coverage and the way the media portrays the life of a producer as a glamorous one. He says, on the contrary, that the job of a music producer is, to a real producer, “a job of work.” (Article, 1) After reading this my response was that there is more to it than just attending the VIP parties. As for how many people make it in this business, the chances are very slim. The author broke it down as, 1 in 100 people have the talent, and 1 of 100 talents have the determination, and 1 of 100 people that have both may be the only one that makes it into the music industry. So the chances are like 1/300. And even then the job is not a very stable one, and is most of the time, short lived. When I read this it finally made me realize that to be a record producer, you have to have more than just a love of music to be successful.
What is a Record Producer? Do You Really Want to Become One. 10 April, 2009. .