Sunday, April 26, 2009

Music Producer Job Description

Chris Jones
Mr. Jenkins
26th March, 2009
4th Period
Music Producer Job Description
Summary: In this video on youtube, a professional music producer offers a job description of the occupation of music producer. From communicating with the artist, to mixing beats, to recording a track and getting the sound just right. All of this is discussed in this video and more.
Response: In the video the producer explains how it all works. Basically a producer is an artist in the field of music. The producer takes the compilation of sounds from the instruments and singer, and mixes them and molds them into to something that sounds good. Thus the result of all this work is a song. The main goal of the producer is to communicate with the artist. The producer can sometimes make the beat before meeting the artist, or will collaborate with them on the beat. The job of the producer is to make the artist sound good, to communicate with them and develop their skills and talents. This is all relevant when he says the producers job is "to make the artist better than they even think they can be." (youtube, interview) The producer makes the artist. The basic progression of a song getting made starts with the producer creating a beat whether it be recreating an old one or humming something new and evolving it into something that sounds right. Then the artist is called in, they add their twist to the beat and then from there throughout production the producer tries to mold the sound around the artist and their talents. The field of music production consists of many jobs, producer is just one of them. You can also be an executive or a scout for new talent among other things, it just depends on what you want to do.
Source: "Music Producer Career Information: Music Producer Job Description." Interview. (2008)